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I transferred my save over for the update, but for some reason I'm locked out of the NSFW scenes. It just skips right past them

Check the Patch.txt file exists in the folder. You may have to re-download if it's not there.

(1 edit)

Patch.txt is there, but it's still not working 

Outside of re-downloading the game, you can reach out to me on discord to try more troubleshooting. 

how do I transfer saves across version, I don't wanna have re put in the time it took every time you drop an update just to clear all the old stuff

You can copy the contents of the save folder from one version to the other

I'm told this is a great game and it still being developed. If I buy now will I need to do so again after it updates?

Once purchased you own the game and all future updates.


I implore you to please keep making games after this one, no padding or grinding, the dialogue and the writing is south park levels f funny and every girl is hot afffff, if you're going to do fetishes please make them toggle between on and off.

I played this game for more than 7 hours and it kept me engaged, I hope you keep making 2d games like this is such a masterpiece. Best hentai game i've played since zombies retreat and that's a GOAT, you're on the way to make yourself as known and respected as siren.

Best of luck, cant wait to play more.

hey it seems to me that we have the same tastes in games, do you have something to recommend apart from these two?  I think these are my faves and the only ones i really follow

Hey, so I need to get some stone, and the fortune teller is telling me to go to the main hall of the goblin village...except I finished Orla's storyline, and now I cannot go inside the village. So far, it's preventing me from being able to upgrade the castle further. Are there any solutions? Also, will there one day be an option to cheat in resources like we can with gold? 

Any missed resources from the goblin village are added to a chest next to the village entrance 

where is the mine shaft

It's where you found the medallion half in the desert

no mac version?

Will this come to steam?

It's already there :)


Love the game so far

Can someone explain how to open the box? I went to Farmlands, but counting the number of flowers didn't work.

Two questions, were can I find the sebism text for Maria, I feel like I've searched everywhere

And how do I open the locked box, spend an hour trying to figure it out and no progress

Goblin village, the map it is talking about is the farmlands south of Roma where you first find Dolly.

yeah, I figured it was there, but I dont know what to do with the colors, I the number of flowers with that color, but nothing, I'm going to double check, but that's were I'm stuck.


I tried as well, it seems to me 1,1,1,1 (as it appears to disqualify flowers out of the row..?).

At least, that WOULD be the code, if it were to ever open. No matter WHAT combo I input, it remains sealed. WTF!?!?!

Anyone know where the "wood in East Haleden" is. Also any speculation on a new update?

Behind the palm tree, and the next update is a couple of weeks away!

Thanks, I seem to be struggling with the resource findings late game, any potential for something like a flash of the map where the resource is located when buying a hunt or something along those lines?

Where do you find the sebism texts for Maria ?


Can someone help me find the lighthouse near Haleden. I need to find it to get iron. I dont know what i'm doing wrong


Teleport to Heleden, after teleporting go down and to the left

thankss, all i need is secret stash hint and locked box and all the content will done. :)

How often does this update?


Best game i ever played so far , even tho it an nsfw game but the story is SOOO GOOD!!! i love it , im more interested on the game story than those sussy moments with girls lol but anyway i have complete the game and now im waiting for the new update , so far it took me 7hr to complete but i think in total this game story + side quest + relationship quest combined is 10hr for a game like this is impressive..

Please tell me where you found the person who picks locks, otherwise I can't do the quest.

(1 edit)

After the mountain's temple quest madeline join the party, she can pick locks

And you need the library built

right the game is so good, i was so suprised by the writing 

Can't progress main story.  I get this screen when entering the abandoned hut. 

Check if that file is in the data folder, you will probably need to download a fresh copy of the game.

Hi I've been trying to enter the goblin village but when i get kicked out Orla doesn't come and see me, which os normal because I haven't met her but would you know how I do that please? i've finished the main storyline


Complete the oceans 69 quest

Thank you!

Whats the future plans for the game ?

Are there any plans to add a gallery feature? it'd be cool to be able to play back scenes


Upgrade the cellar in your house ;)

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks lol i figured it out earlier sorry for the stupid question.

This is probably one of the best nsfw games I've ever played btw. Amazing work! the art is incredible and the dialogues are really good. The mc and characters are all unique and likeable as well.

hi, is there a way to play the new content without having to redo the whole game, I had finished everything on 0.7 and forgot to keep my old save

i cant find book on graveyard (


The art is simply impeccable bro

How can I find goblin salt?


does it work on joiplay?

(1 edit)

Where can i find Ruth? I can't complete quest with huge rock

the horse race quest? find Dolly the farm girl.


Where's dolly for the knocked up quest?

before aquiring the potion she is at the farm, after she outside the castle (your base)

How do i update the game on Android?

Thank you for the game. I am really enjoying it and looking forward to updates! Thank you JongGames.

Yo, you get soft locked if you have the Eukonkanto(goblin princess, asking people around the town about their opinion on goblins) quest on and Throwitback Mountain at the same time. If you try to talk to max(he isn't even there), the guard says you have to go to the mountain, but if you try to leave the locale(Roma) , it'll just say ''Let's just stick to the main part of the town''

This should be fixed in the v0.831 version

So I ran out of recources to get what do I do?

The fortune teller in Roma can tell you the location of resources.


please fill out the steam-age-releases-questionary. so that your games are available again in germany.


"A few days ago, new requirements for the protection of minors in Germany swirled Valve's Steam platform. Starting November 15, all games must have an age label. "

Estou com um problema para avançar na quest principal. Eu já consegui vencer a arena e resgatar a Kali, e a próxima quest fala que eu devo ir ao tempo do deserto. Eu já tentei falar com a pessoa que da dicas sobre a histoória e ela fala para mim conversar vom a Kali, mas quando vou fazer isso, não acontece nada. Alguém saberia me guiar ou dizer se é um bug pfv?


I have a problem when i go to the other side of the bridge it tells me i have reached the end of the main story content and i cant explore beyond the bridge!?

You def pirated this game

I didn t do anything

Did you download it from itch io?



How do i get into the goblin camp?

Is this a one time purchase deal?


Yes, once purchased you own the game and all future updates.

(1 edit)

Oooo ok I'll def check it out then, thanks for answering 

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